Our Services
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Event Services

We host several events at our facility throughout the year in support of our community. One of our recent events included a food giveaway for families impacted by COVID-19. We also fulfilled the Holiday Wishlist of  some families who currently reside in a shelter.

Mentoring Services

Our mentoring services provide initial education in the fundamentals of relationship building and effective communication. Our mentors help our youth plan a suggested course of action for their futures and careers, providing feedback when needed. 


Resource/Info Center

We are currently in lieu of reconstructing our multipurpose resource center as we comfortably move into our new location. This resource center will act as a safe haven in the community where kids and young adults can come and explore.

Vocational Training Services Summer Program

Our summer training program start in June, the student meets 2-3 times a week. The program allows mentors and mentees to discuss progress and upcoming goals while providing on-going support. We  provide computers and other technological resources onsite that our youth can utilize for any school projects, research or educational advancement or exploring new ideas.
